3 minute read

jq is an excellent command line tool to operate on JSON data. I have been using it to process, filter and transform json objects for easy inference of the data. Noting down some commonly used operations for my later reference.

  • Syntax - jq [options] <filter>. Reads from stdin by default.
  • Filter specifies the expression to apply on the json data.
  • . - identity filter, output is same as input.

(Using StackExchange APIs to pull some json values here for sample data)

# Listing available tags on StackOverflow
~ % curl -s --compressed "https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/tags?site=stackoverflow&pagesize=2" | jq '.'
  "items": [
      "has_synonyms": true,
      "is_moderator_only": false,
      "is_required": false,
      "count": 2204785,
      "name": "javascript"
      "has_synonyms": true,
      "is_moderator_only": false,
      "is_required": false,
      "count": 1770006,
      "name": "java"
  "has_more": true,
  "quota_max": 300,
  "quota_remaining": 219
  • .object - access object in the current stream. .object1,.object2 to access multiple objects
~ % curl -s --compressed "https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/sites" | jq '.quota_max,.quota_remaining'
  • .parent.child - access child of a parent json value. Equivalent to parent[child] syntax

Arrays are accessed using [] operator

  • .[] - access all items in the array
  • .[i] - index object at index i
  • .[i:j] - slice the array between index i and j.

https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/sites lists the sites supported by StackExchange APIs. Using the results that call to perform some jq operations.

# saving the output to a file for easier access
~ % curl -s --compressed "https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/sites" > stackexchange_sites  

# Access first site in the list
~ % cat stackexchange_sites | jq '.items[0]'
  "aliases": [
  "styling": {
    "tag_background_color": "#E0EAF1",
    "tag_foreground_color": "#3E6D8E",
    "link_color": "#0077CC"
  "related_sites": [
      "relation": "meta",
      "api_site_parameter": "meta.stackoverflow",
      "site_url": "https://meta.stackoverflow.com",
      "name": "Meta Stack Overflow"
      "relation": "chat",
      "site_url": "https://chat.stackoverflow.com/",
      "name": "Stack Overflow Chat"
  "markdown_extensions": [
  "launch_date": 1221436800,
  "open_beta_date": 1217462400,
  "site_state": "normal",
  "high_resolution_icon_url": "https://cdn.sstatic.net/Sites/stackoverflow/Img/apple-touch-icon@2.png",
  "favicon_url": "https://cdn.sstatic.net/Sites/stackoverflow/Img/favicon.ico",
  "icon_url": "https://cdn.sstatic.net/Sites/stackoverflow/Img/apple-touch-icon.png",
  "audience": "professional and enthusiast programmers",
    "site_url": "https://stackoverflow.com",
  "api_site_parameter": "stackoverflow",
  "logo_url": "https://cdn.sstatic.net/Sites/stackoverflow/Img/logo.png",
  "name": "Stack Overflow",
  "site_type": "main_site"

# access specific fields of an array item
~ % cat stackexchange_sites | jq '.items[1].name'
"Server Fault"
  • Filters can be combined using pipe operator |. Filter expressions are separated by space.
# api_site_parameter specifies the name of the API to be used in the "site" parameter in StackExchange API requests.

~ % cat stackexchange_sites | jq '.items[] | .api_site_parameter'
  • --raw-output / -r option outputs the data as raw (without any json formatting). This comes in handy to apply further operations on the data using shell commands.
# list stack exchange sites, starting with S, in sorted order.
~ % cat stackexchange_sites | jq --raw-output '.items[] | .name' | sort | grep "^S"
Seasoned Advice
Seasoned Advice Meta
Server Fault
Stack Overflow
Super User
  • Can also transform one json stream into another by specifying the structure in { key : value} where value is the object to extract from the stream.
# Extracting the site_url from StackExchange sites list
~ % cat stackexchange_sites | jq '.items[0:5] | .[] | { "name" : .name, "site" : .site_url}'          
  "name": "Stack Overflow",
  "site": "https://stackoverflow.com"
  "name": "Server Fault",
  "site": "https://serverfault.com"
  "name": "Super User",
  "site": "https://superuser.com"
  "name": "Meta Stack Exchange",
  "site": "https://meta.stackexchange.com"
  "name": "Web Applications",
  "site": "https://webapps.stackexchange.com"
  • Use , operator to feed same input into multiple filters. Comes handy in sequential processing.
~ % cat stackexchange_sites | jq '.items[1:5] | .[].name,.[].site_url'
"Server Fault"
"Super User"
"Meta Stack Exchange"
"Web Applications"

These operations suffice most of my use cases. jq also supports more complex queries and operations as explained in the manual.
